Mass Golf Announces New Format To Weekly E-Newsletter - MASSGOLF



NORTON, Massachusetts – In the last two editions of the Must Read Monday Newsletter, you may have noticed this banner:

After months of planning and preparation, Mass Golf is excited to unveil a new look and format to its free E-Newsletter that is sent to Mass Golf Members each week.

On Friday, April 3, all Mass Golf Members will receive the first edition of THE WEEKENDER, the brand-new weekly newsletter that will present Mass Golf news, results and features from each week, engage the readership with video and trivia features, and give the golf community a glimpse of what to watch and look forward to heading into the weekend.


The final Mass Golf Must Read Monday newsletter will be sent Monday, March 30, and after that, the subsequent weekly newsletter will be sent out every Friday morning.

“THE WEEKENDER is another step in the process of advancing Mass Golf’s Communications,” said Catherine Carmignani, Mass Golf’s Director of Communications & Marketing.  “With this refreshed newsletter we have added an emphasis on Mass Golf events and enhanced story-telling.”

“We appreciate our readership, and this Member Benefit wouldn’t be as important as it is without their support. We will continue increasing our investment in digital media, as improving the quality of content and making our media more relatable for the Mass Golf Membership as a whole is the goal.”

Mass Golf is making these changes, in part, based on newsletter survey data and feedback collected throughout the month of January.

For example, over 75% of respondents selected both Mass Golf news/recaps & feature stories as content they find enjoyable, leading all other categories listed. Because Mass Golf events, as well as interscholastic and intercollegiate competition, often conclude during the week, THE WEEKENDER will be able to deliver the news and results of these events to the entire membership more promptly.

That said, there will continue to be professional golf news (Ex: PGA TOUR, LPGA, Champions Tour), regional amateur news, as well as posts about the Rules Of Golf, the World Handicap System, Volunteer Opportunities, Travel Opportunities, Member Discounts, and other items that are of interest Mass Golf Members.

new features

Mass Golf has been working hard to improve the newsletter with a variety of content for all Mass Golf Members. We are planning to introduce new features over the next few months, but here are a few that you will see beginning April 3.

Trivia Contest: Each week a new trivia question will appear in the newsletter. If you choose, click the “Submit Answer” button and you’ll be redirected to a form where you will submit your answer along with your name, email and GHIN number. Respondents will have until 5 p.m. the following Monday to submit their answer. Only one answer per Mass Golf Member is allowed.

For each correct answer submitted, the respondent will receive one entry into receiving a monthly Mass Golf prize. At the end of each month, winners will be randomly selected and announced.

The answer from the previous week will appear at the bottom of the E-Newsletter information page.

For this example only, click the question on the screen and then scroll to the bottom of the page for the answer:


The Video Room: We hope that you have enjoyed Mass Golf’s weekly video feature “Lessons From The Links“, which has appeared in the Monday newsletter and on our YouTube page for most of 2020.

THE WEEKENDER will continue to have a video feature each week, whether it’s highlights from a past week’s events, previews of an upcoming event, a sit-down interview with a club professional or golfer or more instructional videos, such as Lessons From The Links.

Click the video below to view some on-course moments from last year’s Mass Amateur:

The Week Ahead: When Mass Golf Championships, Tournaments and Member Days resume, there will be a schedule of events for the upcoming week. In addition, THE WEEKENDER will feature updates and tee times for Mass Golf Members who compete in USGA and other prestigious events that take place during weekends.

And when professional golf resumes, THE WEEKENDER will also include TV schedules so readers know when and which channels to watch their favorite events over the weekend.

Sample Mass Golf schedule (based on July 2019 events):


If you are a Mass Golf Member and haven’t been receiving Mass Golf’s weekly newsletter, please email and let us know which email addresses you would like us to add to our mailing list.

You will receive your e-newsletter on Friday mornings, plus other staggered issues focusing on important golf events. There is no cost for THE WEEKENDER. It is part of the golfer benefits program.
