Keeping an Eye on the 2019 Mass Golf Season: Renewing Your Handicap Index - MASSGOLF

Keeping an Eye on the 2019 Mass Golf Season: Renewing Your Handicap Index

for immediate release: March 11, 2019

NORTON, Massachusetts – Although there may be snow on the ground, spring is the perfect time to begin preparing for the upcoming Mass Golf season. After all, the official start of the handicap season here in the Bay State is April 1st. On that date, golfers will be able to post scores played on local courses.


To be ready for that date, the first step is to make sure that your Mass Golf USGA/GHIN Handicap Index is active now and will remain active through the rest of the 2019 season. During this time of the year, many Bay State courses inactivate members so that they can prepare and update their member rosters for the upcoming season.

Why Stay Active?

By maintaining an active Mass Golf/USGA GHIN Handicap Index you will be a part of a community made up of more than 360 clubs and 87,000 golfers in the Bay State in support of the game of golf. You will also become part of a GHIN network that has become the world’s largest handicap computation service. GHIN is provided through certified allied golf associations to more than 12,000 clubs and approximately 2.3 million golfers.

Scroll down for step-by-step directions on how to renew (either online or directly through a club) so that you can begin posting scores and taking advantage of all of your Mass Golf benefits now and through the end of 2019.

If you have never had a Handicap Index before or your Handicap Index has been inactive for more than three years, click here to learn how you can easily connect with a Mass Golf Member Club and get your membership set up immediately.

How Do I Renew?

Any golfer who has or recently had an index through one of our Member Clubs has two options to renew:

1) Contact your previous club or a club near you directly

2) Renew online through one of 47 clubs that offer renewals through the Members Now! program

Contact a Club

If you would like to return to your most recent club or connect with a club near your place of residence or work, you can contact the pro shop and ask them to reactivate your Mass Golf/USGA GHIN Handicap Index.

Click here for a searchable database of Mass Golf Member Clubs.

Go Online

Click here to get started or click on the Member Login (in red) button located at the top of

Input your GHIN # or email address (either will work) and password. If you have forgotten your password, you can use the “Forgot Password” link.

Once you are logged into your personal My Mass Golf home page, you simply need to click on the “Membership” icon and you will see the clubs where you are currently inactive.

To become active immediately, you can renew through one of the 47 Member Clubs that are part of the Members Now! program (click here to learn more about the program) by clicking the green text that says:

“Click Here to Add Another Membership to your GHIN # Through Members Now!”

It’s that easy!
