2025 Cris Eaton Chapman
- 18 holes of a Chapman format
- Both golfers hit their tee shot, then hit their partner’s ball, then the team selects a ball and alternates playing that ball into the hole.
- Gross and Net Divisions60% of lower handicap plus 40% of higher handicap for team handicap
- 8:00 AM or 1:30 PM shotgun start

what’s included
- One competitive round of golf
- Player lunch
- Prize certificates for top finishers to be used at host club
- Cart fee and practice balls
- Two women teams
- Amateur golfers who have an active Mass Golf Membership with a Handicap Index® not exceeding 54.0 (as determined by the Handicap Revision on the date of entry)
- Players will be limited to a 36 Playing Handicap™
- Division 1 must have both players with Handicap Indexes up to 18.0
- Division 2 must have both players with Handicap Indexes 18.1-54.0
2024 TOURNAMENT Highlights