Mass Golf | Stone Cup

2019 Stone Cup

Crumpin-Fox Club
Bernardston | May 13 & 14

ENTRY FEE: 350.00 Per Team 
ENTRY CLOSE: April 25, 2019




Mixed pairs come together to compete in match play against other teams over a two-day period.  **New this year – partners do not have to be from the same club.** Maximum Handicap Index for all players in this event is 24.0 as of April 15, 2019 revision.  It is the ultimate mixed scotch championship of the season where it’s all about alternate drive, alternate shot played at scratch. Teams are divided into flights based on combined handicap indices. All teams play 36 holes on day one, and if a team keeps winning they will play 36 holes each of the two days.

2018 TOURNAMENTS Highlights

>>2018 Final Results
