Mass Golf | The First Tee

D.W. Field Golf Course

D.W. Field Golf Course in Brockton became the 5th program location for The First Tee of Massachusetts during the summer of 2017 and was immediately provide valuable programming to more than 100 youth from Brockton and many of its surrounding communities.

Here is a summary of The First Tee of Massachusetts opportunities in the Brockton region available this fall.


Fall Schedule – D.W. Field GC

PLAYer Level:  Sundays, 2:00pm – 4:00 pm, September 8 – October 13 (6 classes)


PLAYer Level: Anyone attending The First Tee for the first time, regardless of age or golf skill, begins at the PLAYer level. Coaches will group participants by age and ability within the class to properly introduce the game of golf while learning The First Tee Code of Conduct and Nine Core Values, appreciating the rules and etiquette of the sport, and developing golf skills.  Minimum age 7.


CLICK HERE for complete instructions on how to register for these or any The First Tee of Massachusetts programs. Also included on the “How to Register” page are full class descriptions as well as information on certification and waitlists.


Any questions can be directed to Kyle Harris at


