Member Days Lottery - MASSGOLF


Registration for Member Days is done through an online lottery system. Interested participants are able to enter the lottery for one or multiple Member Days from the time the lotteries open (Tuesday, March 4th at 10:00 AM) until the lottery close date, which is different for each Member Day. The lottery close date for each Member Day is 6 weeks before the date of the event.

Starting with the 2025 season, Mass Golf will be utilizing a new online lottery system for Member Days.

In order to enter lotteries, you will need to create a Golf Genius Player Profile if you do not already have one.

Click below to create a Golf Genius Player Profile or log into your existing profile:


Make Sure Your Mass Golf Membership and Handicap Index® is Active

The only requirement to participate in a Member Day event is that one must have an active Mass Golf Membership (an active Handicap Index® affiliated with a Mass Golf Member Club). Obtaining a Mass Golf Membership is quick and easy. Check out our individual membership page for more details.

View the Member Day Schedule

Visit the Member Day homepage on the Mass Golf website. Here you will find the schedule of Member Days with detailed information about each event, a link to access the lottery entry page, as well as further information and FAQ’s about Member Days.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • The number of spots you enter a lottery for includes yourself. For example, if you select 4 spots, that would entail yourself and three other players.
  • Entering a lottery DOES NOT guarantee you a spot in the event itself – participants will be determined via the random lottery process.
  • If you win the spot(s) you entered for in a lottery, and you wish to participate in the event, all players you register and pay for at that time must be Mass Golf Members.
  • Each lottery will close for entry and begin processing on its corresponding “Lottery Closes” date 6 weeks out from the event date itself. Keep in mind that each lottery may take up to a few weeks to complete processing.
  • Those who are not initially drawn in the lottery WILL NOT receive a notification. Those players are automatically put on the waitlist for that event, but can still receive a lottery winner notification later on, as each lottery may take up to a few weeks to complete processing. Keep on top of your emails!
  • Due to the overwhelming popularity of Member Days, Mass Golf modified the lottery system to provide opportunities for as many individual members as possible to play in at least one event this season. Preference in each individual lottery will be given to members who have not yet played in a Member Day this season (2025).  As the season progresses, members who have not played in a Member Day so far will see their chances increase. If the field for an event is not filled by first-time 2025 players, invites will then be sent to past 2025 Member Day participants, in the order in which they were randomly selected in the lottery. For more FAQs, click here.


Step-by-Step Lottery Entry Tutorial

This process will need to be completed for each individual lottery you wish to enter:

1. Visit the lottery entry Golf Genius homepage.

2. Select “Enter Lottery for 2025 Member Days.”

3. Click on the name (blue text) of the event you’re looking to enter the lottery for.

4. If you were not signed in already, you will be prompted to sign in to your Golf Genius Player Profile. If you were signed in already, skip to step #6. If you have not yet created a Golf Genius Player Profile, select “Click Here to Register.” You will need a Player Profile in order to enter Member Day lotteries.

5. Once you are signed in, click on “Enter Lottery for (Member Day name).”

6. Select “New Lottery Entry.”

7. On the following screen, double check that the auto-filled information is correct – this comes from your Golf Genius Player Profile. Your email and GHIN number will be displayed in the corresponding boxes. If it is correct, select the number of players you would like to enter the lottery for (including yourself). You do not need to submit any additional players’ information at this time. That will only happen if you are drawn in the lottery.

8. Once you have selected the number of players, make sure to check the box acknowledging the Golf Genius terms and conditions, and then select “Sign Up.”

9. You will see a screen confirming that you have successfully entered that lottery, and no further action is required. You will also receive a confirmation email soon after your entry. To enter other lotteries, click “Sign Up for More Events.”

